VT RADIO: Uncensored Alternative Foreign Policy Talk
Your Uncensored Alternative Foreign Policy Briefing with Host Chief Justin Time. In each episode, we talk with VT correspondents around the world and discuss the issues of the day. Our goal is to bring a new and different perspective to the intelligent discourse table. We also interview international movers and shakers in the alternative world to expand the conversation and explode the discourse.
VT RADIO: Uncensored Alternative Foreign Policy Talk
VT's Dr. Kevin Barrett Goes Off on Iran, World Cup, 9/11 Truth and COVID
Iran state media calls for the U.S. to be kicked out of the 2022 FIFA World Cup after U.S. Soccer Federation modified the Iranian flag in a social media post put out on its platforms.
Join host Johnny Punish as he asks VT's Dr. Kevin Barret "What's with the Contempt?"
Together they also discuss COVID in China and the passing of a leader in the 9/11 Truth movement David Ray Griffin.
Support Dr. Kevin Barrett and visit his site and podcast at TruthJihad.com
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